river, stream, nature, Nagaland

Nagaland is one of the most beautiful places in the world

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Nagaland, a state in northeast India, is one of the most beautiful places in the world. It has a rich culture and tradition that dates back thousands of years. The people of Nagaland are friendly and welcoming; they love to share their cultural heritage with others who visit this part of India. The region has many natural attractions including mountains, forests and rivers-all perfect for hiking or camping!


Dzukou Valley

Dzukou Valley is the second-highest peak in Nagaland and is famous for its rare species of rhododendrons and other flowers. It’s located in north-eastern Nagaland and offers an amazing view of Mt. Popa (6,921 ft). The valley has been called “The Garden on Earth” by Marco Polo when he visited India back in 1292 AD

ethnic people of nagaland

Forests in Nagaland

  • The Rangapahar Reserve Forest is a treasure trove of flora and fauna, with the rare tree species, Pygeum and the Himalayan holly. This forest also has many other rare species like bamboo that can be found nowhere else in India.
  • The Mahaliya or bamboo forests are home to many animals such as leopards and elephants. There are many medicinal plants that grow here like Indian gooseberry (Amelanchier Indica), which has been used as medicine by tribal people for centuries.
  • The Rangapahar Reserve Forest is rich in wildlife including leopards, wildcats, snakes etc., making it one of the best places to see these animals in their natural habitat at close quarters!
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Ngama Lake gets its water from melting snow on nearby mountains. It is one of the largest freshwater lakes in India and has a number of endangered species of birds and plants. Ngama Lake is located in the Peren district of Nagaland. The lake is surrounded by snow-capped mountains and one of India’s largest freshwater lakes. It has a number of endangered species of birds and plants, making it an important habitat for wildlife conservation efforts in Nagaland. The lake is also known as “the blue lake” because its waters are turquoise-coloured due to algae growth on its shores.

Japfu Peak

Japfu Peak is the highest mountain in Nagaland. It stands at 15,199 feet above sea level and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and verdant valleys. The peak belongs to the larger Barail Range, which includes other peaks such as Tuirang Peak (13,875 ft.), Mopung (12,887 ft.) & Malom Peak (12,989 ft.). Japfu Peak is part of an ancient range stretching from Burma through Bangladesh into India’s northeast region – a region known for its dense forests that shelter animals such as leopards and tigers!

Doyang River

Sometimes called ‘Glen’ by British officers stationed here during British rule, the Doyang River is one of the main rivers in Nagaland. The river flows through the Doyang Reservoir and supplies water to over 300 villages in the Aizawl district. It’s also a major source of water for agriculture, as well as serving as an important recreational area for locals.

The name “Doyang” derives from the Naga language words Doi (lake) and Yang (water). In some areas where it flows through mountains with steep slopes and rocky outcroppings, its flow can be extremely swift at times—so much so that it has been known to wash away bridges built over it!

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Mount Saramati

Mount Saramati, at an altitude of 13,624 feet above sea level, is the highest peak in Nagaland. It is part of the larger Barail Range. The mountain stands on a plateau that stretches over 20 miles in length and four miles wide. It has two peaks—one being lower than the other—and both are covered with forests and other vegetation such as bamboo groves or pine trees. Mount Saramati was once known as “Kuparuk” by locals who lived around it because it resembled a bear’s head when viewed from afar; however, this name has now been changed to Mount Saramati due to its proximity with India’s national capital Delhi (Delhi).

Hornbill Festival

The Hornbill Festival is a celebration of the rich culture and tradition of Nagaland. The festival is held every year in December, at a place called Nongkhua in the Mokokchung district.

The Hornbill Festival showcases 16 different tribes from across Nagaland, who come together to showcase their rich cultural heritage through dance, music, crafts and food. It also allows visitors to learn about these diverse groups without having to travel far away from their homes to neighbouring states like Meghalaya or Assam.


There are numerous places to visit in Nagaland, with the most popular being the sprawling capital of Kohima. Other highlights include the Rangapahar Reserve forest and Ngama Lake which is home to several endangered birds and plants.

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